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Power of Pawn Inc. and Chess in Slums Africa have joined forces in a remarkable partnership aimed at supporting the education of marginalized children in Africa through the game of chess. This unique collaboration brings together two organizations that share a common vision: to empower and uplift disadvantaged communities by harnessing the power of chess as an educational tool.

Recognizing the shared commitment to using chess as a tool for education and empowerment, Power of Pawn Inc. and Chess in Slums Africa have embarked on a collaborative partnership. Together, they aim to expand the reach and impact of chess in slum communities throughout Africa, particularly among marginalized children who face limited access to quality education.

The combined expertise and resources of Power of Pawn Inc. and Chess in Slums Africa have the potential to make a lasting difference in the lives of countless marginalized children across Africa. By harnessing the power of chess, they are opening doors to education, fostering empowerment, and enabling brighter futures for those who need it the most.


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